For whatever reason, I'm not a hamburger person. Hamburgers actually make me a bit sick. However, David has been wanting to check out Kuma's Corner - and I kinda did too (all the good reviews). This place is miserable for Brooke. Brooke does NOT like loud METAL music. Brooke does NOT like massive patties of ground round (insert David's laughter - 'ground round? must be a Detroit thing'). Brooke does NOT like waiting an hour for a BURGER. WTF. Brooke does NOT like waiting for an hour in a shroud of loud METAL music for large patties of ground round.
Okay, my blog is all about tips - so I'm giving David's top burgers. You can skip the annoying Kuma's experience for these hamburgesas: 1) Merkt's Hickory Burger (Brownstown, Gaslight, Krikwoods, Sidebar), 2) Nightwood, 3) Duchamp, 4) Bristol and 5) Local Option (honorable mentions: Floyd's Pub + Moody's Pub).
Next up: Best fries in Chicago (my expertise).