Chinatown ('74)
Network ('76)
Don't Look Now ('73)
The Conversation ('74)
All the Presidents Men ('76)
Interiors ('78)
The Last Picture Show ('71)
Badlands ('73)
Apocalypse Now ('79)
Manhattan ('79)
Paper Moon ('73)
Carnal Knowledge ('71)
Being There ('79)
Straw Dogs ('71)
Taxi Driver ('76)
Barry Lyndon ('75)
Harold & Maude
Annie Hall ('77)
Lenny ('74)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks ('71)
Coming Home ('78) (*Nice double feature w/ Deer Hunter)
Harold and Maude ('71)
Alien ('79)
Kramer vs. Kramer ('79)
The Exorcist ('73)
Sorcer ('77)
The Paper Chase ('73)
Halloween ('78)
Per my Dad's request, my top 30 movies from the 1970s (in some sort of order). Thank you to Movieline Magazine for publishing their "Second Golden Age of Film" article in the early 90s - it changed my life. (Dad, most of these are 'common' - but maybe your friend will find one or two new ones in the above list.)