Having learned that music festivals aren't quite my cup-of-team (dirty, hot, fat, sweaty, etc.) - via the Lolla experience - I'm happy to have had the life experience of gratuitous men's underwear waistbands and noting people's total comfort with their less-than-perfect bodies. My take from Lolla to David was, "wouldn't it be great if they had an all day classical festival at Ravinia?" David was kind enough to agree.
We did see some cool bands & DJs and we're headed back tonight. One of the highlights, of course, was Gutter Twins. We were also lucky enough to see Gutter at a private Spin party (^).
God Bless Food not served on skewers or in buns.
God Bless not drinking Wine out of a water bottle.
God Bless Central Air.
God Bless Indoor Plumbing.