
(Kaiser) Sosay Series, Part Deux

Hi Sosay:

Part I was so enjoyable, I'm back for part Deux. However, I needed to do a little YouTube research - so sorry for the delay.

BMc: What is your favorite low calorie, low sodium + low carb food? And sweetie, are you still drinkin' the moonshine?
SOS: I make 'SOSAY PROTEIN PANCAKES!' and speak Swedish when cooking them. Here is a new recipe... VODKA + WHEY PROTEIN = LEAN BODY!!
BMc: Who is your biggest wrestling nemesis?
SOS: Ken Doane, Maria and Kelly Rippa.
BMc: Tell me about this evening gown match? Why did Maria get to enter the ring first?
SOS: The HEADLINER enters last.
BMc: Did it hurt when she tore off your evening gown? I hope it wasn't expensive...
SOS: It's the principle of it all. She was wearing the same dress as me! I was going to tear her's off but she did it herself. She is in PLAYBOY this month. And yes it did hurt me.
BMc: How do you get 'pumped' up before a match?
SOS: I use those rubber bands things that are lying around in the back.
BMc: It seems much harder to be a woman wrestler - men have it much easier in the sport, it seems...What do you think?
SOS: From my experience there is a disconnect with what is "PROFESSIONAL" and what is not, and that is a challenge. But women in wrestling are a huge part of the show. Oh, and men DON'T have to be GOOD looking to be a successful wrestler.
BMc: I was sad to see that you haven't shot pool in awhile. Remember how good you were, Cam? You hustled every hippie in EL.
SOS: Yes. I do remember i skipped class to play that game. Hustling hippies is childs' play.
BMc: Do you get back to Michigan much these days?
SOS: Only when I hear it calling my name.. SOSAYYYYYY!!!!
BMc: And, why haven't you danced with a pillow since 2000? Sad.
SOS: Because nobody asked me.:)
BMc: Giddy-up Cam!
SOS: MONTANA, mountains and moonshine!
BMc: xoxo, Drew

SOS: Cam was here!