Debate Night, Round 1 - It is ON

How better celebrate this television event than with a nice bottle of red wine and HomeMade Pizza Co. (arguably the best 'home' pizza and salad of all time)?
I also can't wait for the 'Real Time' follow-up. For a self proclaimed TV hater, this is TV night 2.0.
The only way that this Friday night could be topped is if SARAH PALIN WAS STARING IN HER VERY OWN EPISODE OF 1) WIFE SWAP, 2) NANNY 911 AND/OR 3) HOLE IN THE WALL. Now, I just named 3 things she's perfectly qualified for.
Shop, Shop, Shop

Smiling Pug
Bogie jumped on the sofa, grabbed the big knotty blanket and made a little nest for himself. It, of course, was adorable (so I've documented it above).
New Camera makes its Debut
I finally got a new digital point-and-shoot. My old camera was definitely getting outdated - so I've been clicking away today with wild abandon. Of course, the most obvious subjects are Maggie and Bogie. As you can see, Maggie is completely irritated - note sneered lip - and Bogie can be shot all day. I hoping I'll now have more non-stock images to post on my blog.
The Art of the Novella

This cool site for Novellas was recently published in a favorite magazine. So, I was prompted to purchase a couple. While I still haven't received, I'm really excited to get reading. These (<->) seem perfect for the train.
Bogie's Mid-morning Nap
While Oliver Stone is Certifiable...
...that doesn't take away from the pure entertainment value of this:
I'm loving "Anywhere I Lay my Head." I'm sorry, I just do.

I'm sorry if you think I'm a huge loser for liking ScJo's music - but I do and I'm not shy to admit it.
Digital Journeys

I was listening to my New Order station on Pandora and one of my favorite songs came on - "More than This"/Roxy Music. I noticed on Pandora how much I loved the cover art of 'Avalon' and thought I would blog about it (>). Upon searching for the 'Avalon' cover art, I found this really cool blog: http://retromusicsnob.blogspot.com/
I love digital journeys with happy endings.
"Yup, I sho did"
I don't usually sink so low on my blog to post things of this nature - but it's just too amazing not to post. Particularly in light of Sarah Palin and her daughter.
Tucker Carlson is a Disgusting Pig
I was just reminded of Tucker Carlson while watching Real Time. And I completely forgot how much I hated him.
Worse than Wife Swap
This reminds me of the movie 'Idiocracy.' I saw several ads for this show today and I couldn't BELIEVE it was real. But it is. It's real. This is surely a sign of humanity's devolution.
Salvage Love/Inspiring Design Story

Now, back to those pesky Republicans...
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