Fountainhead State of Mind

Maggie Poses

Here we have a very rare picture of Maggie (>). As you can see, her upper lip is raised a bit - a sign of sheer annoyance. I hope she doesn't sickle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle me.
To be or not to be...SCARED?
David and I have been debating on whether or not to see 'The Strangers.' See the trailer here (^). It's about a couple that goes to a cabin in the middle of nowhere and is terrorized by 3 crazy looking people wearing masks. Word on the street is that it's the scariest movie of recent time - and heart palpitatingly tight w/ a 1:30 run time.
Here's the problem: While I love scary movies, I'm constantly scared (in real life). I'm almost always worried that someone will break into our place while I'm sleeping and kill me with some sort of axe or sickle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle. And when I'm anywhere outside of an urban area, I can barely sleep because I'm so terrified.
We will be visiting a home 'up north' - Michigan speak for northern Mi. - for a week over the 4th. While it's definitely not a 'cabin in the woods' - much more like a modern home on a lake with a gourmet kitchen - I will definitely be living in fear for the entire week if we see 'The Strangers,' but even if we don't, I'll probably feel...petrified. So, what to do?
Anyway, watch this trailer and cover your eyes a bit.
Chicago Antique Market

Highly recommend it.
$2,500 Deck Chair

Photo Obsession of the Day
Charcoal to Gas

Pot Obsession (of the Week)

Idol Blocked

So, on to more exciting thing - our new Unison quilt from Design Public (->).