
(Kaiser) Sosay Series, Edition I

As a new feature of my Blog, Kaiser Sosay - the now (in)famous female wrestler, etc. - and I are starting a series of interviews. Kaiser Sosay is a dear friend from Michigan State. Here is Edition 1. Also included, please find her photo shoot (HOT!).


Hey Sosay! It's been a long time - I'm very excited for our first interview as part of a TEN part series: 'The Sosay Series.' SO here we go:
BMc (Brooklyn77): What inspires you?
SOS (Kaiser Sosay): good tans, lean bodies, and NICE SMILES! Also - anything low carb, low sodium and low calorie.
BMc: Why wrestling?
SOS: It's simple, GOOD VS. EVIL. Easy to understand.
BMc: How did you learn to pose like that?
SOS: Public Education system
BMc: What's your best ass..et?
SOS: MY ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE WELL WITH OTHERS!! So everyone can enjoy the magic bottom!
BMc: Are you still painting? And where is the Pied Piper these days?
SOS: I enjoy drawing human figure - "Men in agony" The PIED PIPER is drinking his own KOOL AID! HA HA HA!!
BMc: Are you still shooting pool with own stick?
SOS: it's on the back burner, thank you for asking... haven't thought about POOL in a long time. I play chess now.
BMc: Does it bother you that you can't wear the fur down in Miami?
SOS: How do you know I am not?
BMc: Do you still think about Bill and the Zoo?
SOS: Yes Bill has ONE ARM.
BMc: When is the last time you danced with a pillow?
BMc: Until next time Hooker...
BMc: Drew


People in Charleston Wade in Fountains

In Charleston it seems that people are allowed to enter fountains - think beautiful city square landmark-looking fountain - as a form of entertainment/summer cooling method. However, the rules and regulations are VERY strict (->).

First, I never knew diarrhea was an illness. Second, I had an open lesion during our trip so I was unable to enter the fountain.

Hell Ya Helvetica

Yes, I love a movie about fonts...but it's about SO much more (fonts could be responsible for soci-political movements!). Seriously, this film is fascinating and a must for the design conscious.

Gladstone Hotel, Toronto

While in Toronto, we are staying at the Gladstone. Last spring we stayed at the Drake - a block or two away from the Gladstone (in the Queen St. West area). The Drake was amazing and I would highly recommend it (particularly the little cafe - best peanut butter toast around). However, we wanted to try something new so we chose the Gladstone. It's a very cool concept; every room is unique - each room was designed by a different artist/designer/architect, etc. We are staying in The Canadian Room (see pics). I plan on taking that chandelier home under my coat. Most importantly, they have karaoke in the bar; David is gonna show that mic who's boss.

The Gutter Twins in Toronto

David and I will be heading to Toronto in a few weeks to see the Gutter Twins (->). Not only do we love Toronto, but the place they are playing at looks awesome - http://www.themodclub.com/. The Gutter Twins are playing a late night show in Chicago at the Metro - as fellow shorties know (all those in the 5'4 and 3/4 (me) and under group), the Metro is pretty awful for site lines - so seeing them in Toronto is stellar.

We have our fingers crossed that just maybe Martina Topley-Bird will make an appearance (as she did at the London show).


Tarsem Saved by Fincher + Jonze (& Pibb)

Some of My Favorite Things: Rhodia Note Pads and Pencils

Rhodia note pads make you want to write and doodle more. Particularly love the graph pads - traces back to my nerd roots.


Bad Mr. Shinggles!

With Precious missing, all of her friends have been hanging around Mama Witz's basement (most working on "Cat with Red Feather Hat Missing" signs).

Unfortunately Mr. Shinggles (<-) bought a whole lot of Meow Mix through MW's ebay account. I guess someone's not getting his under-carriage rubbed tonight...

Latest Obsession

Russian Movie Posters


Sick Day?

Another visiual masterpiece.

Inspiring Art & Set Direction

Perry Ferguson, Howard Bristol and Emile Kuri for Rope (1948)

Wildlife Abound

In South Carolina we saw crazy wildlife in every nook and cranny. (<-) Here we have a croc resting on a turtle for some sun and snugglin'.

Kind of reminds me of me and Pibb.

Cool Photo of the Day

Virgin Suicides meets Montauk (vs. Grosse Pointe)

Disheveled Dancing Cat - Still Missing

This just in: Precious found 'raising the roof' somewhere between Bar Chicago and Mothers. I have no idea who is fondling her from the nether regions, but it's highly disturbing - and sick. (Hey Arm with cheap black hair tie thing, Mama Witz is already on the phone to the authorities.)

As we can all see - Precious' luxurious coat fur hasn't been tended to in weeks - and still no hat.

Her nose is also looking a bit too pinkish...

"Ex" Stripper Wins Oscar

Can't wait to see what happens next - puke -


(Sweaty) B of the Week

Finally saw "The Mist" - puke - but Marcia Gay Harden is def. the (sweaty) B of the week (->).

Pardon Me, Do I Offend?

Not sure why the Academy breezed by Jodie's win for the Accused and then never even showed the win for Silence of the Lambs (when they showed every other winner from 1990 - current). At any rate, here's to Jodie!

Beacon of Hope

Clearly, the highlight of the Oscars thus far...SEE ONCE (->)! (David liked the film better than I (and cried several hundred times), but I must admit it's very heartfelt and I may have shed a tear or two.)
And thank God Menken didn't win another freaking Oscar for some horrific song.

Oscar Nerves

I'm a little nervous about this whole Juno thing. I finally saw it over vacation and I really don't get it at all (it seemed like a bad TV show). I'm very confused by the success of this movie (critically, etc.). It's the definition of overt. For something a bit more subtle, check out Margot at the Wedding.

Go Coen Brothers! Go Hal!

Call Me CRAZY....

...but this man is hot (and a total caveman)...Check out Gauntlet 3 and tell me I'm wrong...(sorry Pibb)


Kevin Costner in Drag?

I was looking for this old picture of Kevin Costner with a milk jug but could not find it (any one else remember this? he looked about 19). During my Google pursuit - "Kevin Costner Milk" - what I did find was this (->). I think it's a transvestite (sp?) dressed as Jagger.

I have so many stories (Kevin Costner spotting, Souther X-Posure, Mercer, Bunderbolt, 3ft slip - 2in gash, Fake Costco Crocs, Made in Japan LUNAR Eclipse (load of B.S.), etc.).

Can't wait to get back to the Tundra to fill "ya'll" in...(it's about 70 here so I'm getting worried...)


Happy B-Day Hal Holbrook

Happy Birthday Hal Holbrook. Now, the Oscars...


(Sweaty) B of the Week

Tilda Swinton's character - Karen Crowder - in Michael Clayton.
Would hate to be in the stall next door...

Honey, We're Home!

Can't wait to hit the Mason Dixon line.
Geo Tracker

Carolina Here We Come!

Mom, Dad - We're rollin' down 94 with the Geo Tracker - hopefully you packed light - it's gonna be tight with the two dogs.

This Just In: Precious Spotted on Rush & Oak

Apparently, Precious was spotted last night in the Viagra Triangle (not far from Mama Witz's table at Tavern on Rush). I found this picture on Match.com and am getting too worried for words. Seeing Precious with beer indicates to me just how dire her situation is (as all of her close friends know, she is a self-proclaimed "dirty martini girl"). I'm also extremely concerned about her red feather hat? She NEVER leaves the house without it.
If anyone has more information, please send on - we need to track this kitty down.


Only 2...or 3...more Months until Green

For all of the cold and weary, just a reminder that spring is around the corner and love is in the air. So, turn off John McCain in HD, and stare at these pretty little flowers (snapped in Miami, FL) for several hours.

Berlioz for Prezident

Support Classical music in Chicago (some cities don't have these stations these days - boo, hiss).
WFMT-FM (the only radio station worth listening too and then it's all ipod all the time) member drive: http://www.wfmt.com/main.taf?p=3

A Wonderful Day For Fanny May: P's Adventures in Wonderland

It's Valentines day, and you know what that means - Secret Admirer Office Prank Day. ZUK, are you kidding me? Are you really that gullible? Wow. Actually, are you just plain sad that you don't REALLY have a secret admirer. Well, no one but me and a bunch of skeevy millinials. Oh, ZUK, Mama Goose got you again!

Mama Goose: 2.
Baby Duckling: 0.

Missing: Beautiful Cat with Red Feather Hat

Last seen: Hang-ee Up-ee or 35 W. Wack, not sure which
Answers to: Precious (II)
Dressed in: Red Feather Hat and plastic David Yurman (she thinks) necklace
Height: 5"
Weight: Not publishable (ladies don't share such things)
Color: White with gray "highlights"
Enjoys: Watching Sealion exhibit in Renaissance Lobby
Best Friend: Hooter (pictured with above)
Favorite Magazine: InTouch
Favorite TV Channel: TV Guide
Reward: Her annual Rx of Ambien CR and Zoloft
Missed by: Everyone, esp. Mama Witz and Mama Goose

I Miss Stickers & Michael Jackson

Ga-Ga Goo-Goo

Happy V-Day

In honor of the Owls in the Sout Loop, Happy Valentines Day 2008!



Ah, Wine

If ever in Canada (because we've found that Canadian wine is not typically desired - or sold - in the US), please try this (->) wine. We had a bottle of the 04 Le Clos Chardonnnay - (note: chardonnay, not normally a fan due oakiness) - at the Jamie Kennedy restaurant in Toronto (Gardiner). Amazing wine that I won't soon forget. Goes wonderfully with salmon and fennel & onion salad.

Sleeping Beauty

I like to take pictures of David when he falls asleep while watching TV at 9PM on a Saturday night.

Is this evil of me? :)

David, have you found this yet?

Floppy Fantasy (c) ii

This is a "Floppy Fantasy" by Hartz. Bogie has 5, but could "always use more."

Floppy Fantasy (c) part i

Every night Bogie grabs his 'Floppy Fantasy' (the actual manf. name of this Hartz doll available at your local Walgreens) and sucks on it like he's (<-) doing here. Well, after looking through some pics of Bogie as a baby, I realized he's been doing this since the beg. of time. Our other dog would never think of doing this. I wonder if it's a 'Pug thang?'

Googl-y Eyes Grows Up

It's amazing how quickly they grow up...

And While I am at it, Ba-Bye Frankie

Hopefully America Voted this fool off....

Two-Lane Blacktop on Criterion

What could be better than a kick-ars movie about good ol' American hot, fast cars with James Taylor (the original "JT") and Dennis Wilson (of the Beach Boys)? This is a really cool movie that I had never seen - not sure it was ever on a wide-VHS release, otherwise assuming I would have seen it by now. Monte Hellman is the director. En-joy.

Patagonia Winterfest Sale

30-50% off - Feb 12 - Feb 21 - although, lots of stuff is already gone...so hurry, consumers! http://www.patagonia.com/

Are you a Global Idiot?

This gets your brain pumping (below link). Try it after one egg and a shot of tobassco for an enhanced morning buzz.

How I Love Thee My Little Owl

My favorite beer bottle label design (note cute owl (->)). And one of the best beers on earth (that is often served in a delightful little owled glass, unless stolen from bar by crafty hobo). Coriander + Orange Peel + Nutmeg = Deliciouousosusneass. Apparently it has won some awards - but you don't need to know any of that to enjoy this refreshing brew.


Along with sneakers, I'm obsessed with sunglasses. I purchased a pair of SpyOptic Le Baron sunglasses last summer after I smashed mine (by daning on them, accidentally). My bad luck, the Le Barons broke after a couple of months so I superglued them like a crafty hobo. My good luck, I found a bunch online for $30 (normally $100+). So, now I have 2 good pairs and 1 hobo pair.

Ace is the Place

The Ace Hotel in Seattle is an inspiration for the design-conscious. There's also one in Portland, Oregon...but let's hope they don't stat popping up all over (to avoid any SupersiZing).
I like this quote:
"Ace is a kind of superaesthetic barrack, with an in-the-know economy of style"
(Time Magazine)

Straw Dogs, 1971

One of my favorite Peckinpah movies and one of the more under-rated films from the 70s. The tone of this film is slow, errie and then super frenetic. Straw Dogs on Criterion Collection will warm up any Saturday night in the Tundra.

(<-) This image is a little Bonnie and Clyde rip-offish though...


Maggie the Angel

Maggie is very camera shy (like her mom), but she let me snap a few the other day while lounging in our guestroom.

Mojitos in Miami = Perfection

Hard to drink mojitos in the tundra. But we can try.

Super Bowl 2007 = Rain Beer

Watching this years outstanding Super Bowl reminded me of being at the Super Bowl last year - hardly a nail-biter and lots of rain in the beer...but still, an amazing experience (and I'll take Prince (->) over Tom Petty any day).